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Application and Registration Processes


  • Dear participant, please read the information text below carefully.

  • Please log in to the system 15 minutes before your session starts.

  • When you log in to the system, you directly join the digital registration desk and waiting room.

  • From here, an invitation will be sent to you so that you can go to your presentation room with the support of our technical team. When you click the JOIN button on the invitation, you will be transferred to the hall where you will present.

  • When determining your name in Zoom, you must also indicate in which hall you will be presenting in front of your name. For example, if your name is Ayşe EKER and you are going to make a presentation in hall no. 2, edit your zoom name as H2-Ayşe EKER.

  • Presentations are limited to 10-12 minutes. For this reason, avoid giving purely theoretical information in your presentations and focus on the purpose of your study, findings and conclusion.

  • Please be careful not to exceed the presentation time in order not to delay the sessions and not to keep the participants in the next session waiting.

  • Regardless of the order of your presentation, you must be in the hall from the beginning to the end of the session and have your camera on (in exceptional cases, you can turn off your camera for a short time). Please keep your microphone off while listening to the presentations to avoid audio interference. If you wish, you can record your own session.

  • Since many foreign scientists attend our congress, be careful to make your presentations in English. If you are going to make your presentation in Turkish, please prepare your slides in bilingual (both Turkish and English Text on the same page)

  • After the congress, your participation documents will be sent to you as PDF.

  • Multinational congresses should be seen as one of the best opportunities to share the same platform with new scientists, to meet them and to work together in the future. For this reason, it is extremely important to actively participate in the sessions and interact with other participants. Particularly, participating scientists from different countries will be able to benefit from your studies and use your texts as references in their future studies, which will greatly contribute to your academic career process. For this reason, we recommend that you prepare your full texts in English.

  • In order to avoid any disruption/inconvenience during the publication process, please carefully read the periods specified in the congress calendar and the explanations in the publication alternatives section. Full texts that are not sent within the deadline cannot be published.

  • After the electronic congress books are published, a copy is sent to the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the universities of foreign participants and digital libraries. After this stage, since the book is recorded in many media and shared electronically by thousands of people, it becomes a printed work and no changes, additions/deletions can be made to the book. For this reason, please check the final version of your work carefully before sending it.

  • Session chairmen, representing our organizing committee, have full authority in starting the sessions, taking questions and answers, and all matters related to the session.

  • Our congress is international in terms of evaluation process, scientific and advisory board structure and participant diversity, and meets the academic promotion criteria of the relevant institutions according to the 2022 criteria.

  • We would like to thank you for your contributions to our congress with your valuable work.​

    Regarding the Session Chair (Moderator);​

  • Our session chairs have full authority to manage the sessions on behalf of the organizing committee.

  • After entering the digital session hall, you can start the session by making a short opening speech at the session start time.

  • Although we recommend that you follow the presentation order in the program, you can change the order if you deem necessary during the session.

  • 10-12 minutes are allocated for each presentation. It is important for our participants to be careful not to exceed presentation times. You can do the question and answer session after each presentation or at the end of the session if you wish.

  • As the session chair, you can contact us on any issue.


  • Please check into the hotel where the congress will be held 1 day before your session starts (Friday, January 12, 2024).


  • On the day of the congress, when you arrive at the institution where the congress will be held at 09.00 in the morning, you will be greeted directly by the registration desk and from there, with the support of our technical team, you will be given the relevant materials (name badge, congress program, etc.) and you will be able to go to the main hall where the opening speeches will be held. 

  • After the sessions in the main hall, you will be asked to proceed to the hall where you will make your presentation. Presentations are limited to 10-12 minutes. For this reason, avoid giving purely theoretical information in your presentations and focus on the purpose of your study, findings and conclusion. In order not to delay the sessions and not to keep the participants in the next session waiting, please be careful not to exceed the presentation time.

  • No matter what order your presentation is in, you must be in the hall from the beginning to the end of the session. 

  • Since many foreign scientists attend our congress, be careful to make your presentations in English. If you are going to make your presentation in Turkish, please prepare your slides in bilingual (both Turkish and English Text on the same page)

  • Your participation documents will be given to you in person after the congress.

  • Multinational congresses are on the same platform with new scientists

  • It should be seen as one of the best opportunities to share, meet and work together in the future. For this reason, it is extremely important to actively participate in the sessions and interact with other participants. Particularly, participating scientists from different countries will be able to benefit from your studies and take references from your texts in their future studies, which will greatly contribute to your academic career process. For this reason, we recommend that you prepare your full texts in English.

  • In order to avoid any disruption/inconvenience during the publication process, please carefully read the periods specified in the congress calendar and the explanations in the publication alternatives section. Full texts that are not sent within the deadline cannot be published.

  • After the electronic congress books are published, a copy is sent to the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the universities of foreign participants and digital libraries. After this stage, since the book is recorded in many media and shared electronically by thousands of people, it becomes a printed work and no changes, additions/deletions can be made to the book. For this reason, please check the final version of your work carefully before sending it.

  • Session chairmen, representing our organizing committee, have full authority in starting the sessions, taking questions and answers, and all matters related to the session.

  • Our congress is international in terms of evaluation process, scientific and advisory board structure and participant diversity, and meets the academic promotion criteria of the relevant institutions according to the 2022 criteria.

Regarding the Moderator;

  • Our session chairs have full authority to manage the sessions on behalf of the organizing committee.

  • After entering the hall where the congress is held, you can start the session by making a short opening speech at the session start time.

  • Although we recommend that you follow the presentation order in the program, you can change the order if you deem necessary during the session.

  • 10-12 minutes are allocated for each presentation. It is important for our participants to be careful not to exceed presentation times. You can do the question and answer session after each presentation or at the end of the session if you wish.

  • As the session chair, you can contact our coordinators who will be in the halls on all matters.


We wish you a good congress with your valuable contributions.


Dear participants,

Our congress will include face-to-face presentations as well as online presentations.

Face to face presentations  The relevant conditions and application process are listed below.


  • Those over 65 do not attend face-to-face presentations

  • Many authors study  Only one author can attend the face-to-face presentation

  • Those with chronic illnesses and those who are pregnant or suspected of pregnancy cannot attend face-to-face presentations.

  • Guests or spectators/listeners cannot be brought to the congress area.

  • Since the sessions will be discipline-based, there will be those who want to make both online and face-to-face presentations in the same session.

  • There will be short refreshments in the foyer area.

  • Certificates of participants who make face-to-face presentations will also be sent as PDF.

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